Charles Brady Jolly
(December 20, 1930 - September 9, 2017)
C. B. Jolly, our BWFA Hall of Fame Member passed away on September 9, 2017 in Alvin, Texas. His wife of 67 years, JoAnn Wooten Jolly called us today to give us the sad news. If you had the chance to meet CB back in 1999-2005 while he attended our conventions, you would surely remember him. He was recognized as a BWFA Master Farrier and Master Educator. His love of his trade was evident. He was truly a "jolly" fellow sharing his friendship and knowledge to young farriers and making new friends. Unfortunately, his health kept him at home these last years. His wife JoAnn cared for him daily. She said he is with God now and out of pain. As in the photo, we knew CB with his famous hat, scarf and boots that certainly set him out from all the rest.
Taken from our conversation at the time of his Hall of Fame Induction in 2004:
C.B. Jolly, “Charles Brady Jolly” is a fifth-generation farrier whose family shoeing history dates back to the time of George Washington! He is well loved and respected by farriers and horse owners in and around his state of Texas. Residing in the Ft. Worth area, he learned to shoe from his father and shod his first horse for money at age 14.
When he was 18 his dad gave him a 1936 Chevy Truck and a load of tools and some nails and said, “go get ‘em”. It taught him the value of a dollar and the value of work. Work took him farther south toward the Gulf of Mexico where he met and married his wife, JoAnn in 1968.
In 1978, after only 2 years C.B. was “the person” who was instrumental in forming the Gulf Coast Farriers Association with 30 or so farriers. He also formed his Gulf Coast Farrier School. As he traveled thru Texas to recruit more farriers, he found work in a fireproofing business working with asbestos products, which unfortunately has stricken his health today, causing him to be unable to shoe. He loves the farrier industry and misses the work terribly.
Although C.B. is unable to shoe, he still visits old customers and offers his knowledge to farriers and horse owners alike. He faithfully passes on his wisdom of the horseshoeing trade, allowing him to be respected and loved by those who have the honor of knowing him.
Taken From His Obituary:
He was born on December 20, 1930 in Ft. Worth, Texas to Morton Lester and Sybil DeWees Jolly.
Charles, known as C.B. Jolly, along with Jim Farrell and Howard Love founded TEXAS PROFESSIONAL FARRIERS ASSOCIATION which emerged from the Gulf Coast Farriers Association in 1980. The main purposes were: to enhance professionalism by increasing both skill levels and good business practices for both farriers and the horse owners, support for the American Farrier Association (AFA) and to sponsor regular educational clinics. The T.P.F.A. has 120 registered members today.
C.B. is also a fifth generation horse shoer, starting with twins that brought the Blacksmith trade to Texas, C.B.’s grandfather John Walker Jolly and his twin William Worth Jolly, C.B.’s father M.L. Jolly.
Charles has had many newspaper articles written about him: The Alvin Sun, written by Micky Calkins, the Alvin Advertiser “ A Farrier of Fame” by Garrett Beyer, The Dallas Morning News, in the Texas Living section, written by Michael F Young, and the FACTS, “Hoofing it” in 2004 by Veide Hunter.
Charles was inducted into the Brotherhood of Working Farriers Association (BWFA) Hall of Fame of Georgia, in 2004.
Charles was honored with a C.B. JOLLY DAY, held at the Alvin Railroad Museum in 2012, hosted by Tom and Janice Stiefel, of Alvin Farrier Supply. Charles holds a life-time membership in the T.P.F.A. and A.F.A.
Visitation Friday, Sep 15, 2017: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Funeral Service Friday, Sep 15, 2017 1:00 PM