BWFA Chapters
See Calendar of Events for upcoming Chapter Events
BWFA chapters were suggested by members back in 1992. It is not required or mandatory but can be an asset for members as a whole for education purposes.
We encourage our horse owner membership to participate along with farriers in groups.
This proved to work well for the S.H.O.E. chapter in North Carolina which had a long life until its President and founder, retired. The owners took the lead and turned it into an education opportunity for the surrounding equine community to share their knowledge. Read about their success in the “Chapters” section of the Members Only area.
The BWFA encourages horse owners to join with the farriers for an all-around health of the horse experience with Trainers, Nutritionist, Veterinarians, local tack shops, farrier supply stores, saddle makers, 4-H and horse clubs and on and on.
The interaction of the equine community is a valid asset to the farrier, after all the owner wants to know they have hired an educated and professional farrier. These events will help owners understand your knowledge through certification and your personal desire to do good work.
Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, California, Missouri, Kansas, and many other states have sponsored BWFA events as “chapters” in the past. It takes other farriers to help continue it, those who don’t mind volunteering their time and energy.
The BWFA Headquarters will help provide speakers, promotion, media coverage, vendors, advertising and support from our office.
Another good example is the Virginia Chapter with a BWFA Farrier President who has a huge group of horse enthusiasts who hosts an array of educational and fun events.
It is a win, win situation for all !
S.H.O.E. Banquet 2011
How to Start a Chapter
This page is work in progress. Please check back often for added content.
For help starting a chapter in your area you can contact:
Marcus Pierce (NC)
David Tuggle (VA)
Things you can do:
- Post a write up in the quarterly bulletin, the monthly eNewsletter and on the website for all members to see.
- Send out a flyer to the members in your state.
- Contact members personally in your area.
- Have a planning meeting to see how many people would be interested in joining.
- Offer practice, forge work, horse owner fun days, etc.
North Carolina
Southeastern Horseshoers on Education
Indian Trail, NC
Contact: Dwayne Holder (704) 888-8347