Since 2000, we have worked with several Aflac representatives to continue our discounted rates. Members are encouraged to contact our newest Georgia rep to be sure they get that good rate or their own Aflac rep in their local area. Aflac is everywhere!
Not enough members are taking advantage of this plan.
For as little as $30.00 a month in most cases, an individual can have an accidental policy that will help pay some bills if or when that minor accident occurs, from cut fingers to broken bones and so on.
It’s not IF a Farrier will have an accident….it’s WHEN will a Farrier have an accident !
Policies are simple and easy to complete right over the phone !
(l to r) New BWFA Certified Member and AFLAC policy holder, Clayton Chapman, BWFA President Link Casey with our new Georgia AFLAC District Sales Coordinator, Jeremy Harden who visited the BWFA Headquarters in June 2015. He introduced the plans with 9 new BWFA certified farriers and renewed a policy for Link; who has used his several times.