Rick Wheat Noavel Headstall

Rick Wheats Noavel Headstall was introduced to the farrier industry by Ralph Casey in 2000 in front of a group of farriers and Instructors who could tell right away that it was a better training device than others from the past.  Breaking and training a young horse from bucking to saddling and then trimming by student farriers was all done in a matter of a few hours without injury to anyone. The owners and onlookers were so impressed; we promised Rick that we would share his Noavel Headstall with every farrier in the BWFA. 

Beginning that year, Rick and his son James along with their trained handlers hosted clinics at the FNRC/BWFA every month, attended our other clinics and conventions and traveled to every horseshoeing school he could while hosting his own clinics and traveling literally all over the United States. We highlighted the Noavel on the Horseshoe’n Time tv show which lead to his own show and just on and on. 

As a horseman most all of his life, Rick would trim and shoe his own horses. The BWFA proudly accepted his membership as a certified farrier to add to his accomplishments. 
Farriers’ Formula Life Data Labs helped to sponsor Rick as well as others.

Rick has been quoted to say that farriers use his Noavel more than most. Once a farrier demonstrates the gentle but firm uses to calm horses down that are otherwise hard to shoe, the owners are in complete surprise and ask where they can find their own.

Here are just some of the photos from that first day.

Here is Chris McCulloch (to the right), BWFA farrier, at a horse owner clinic while demonstrating how to safely use the Noavel in just picking up the feet.

The Noavel Headstall has a Patent No. US 6,643999 B1
Four Sizes are available:
Standard fits most quarter horse size heads.
The Intermediate (or Yearling) size fits from 6 months to 2 years or small Arabian and Paso Fino heads.
The miniature A and B sizes fits minis and colts from birth to 6 months. This is perfect to begin loading on the trailer and leading with the mom. Then go right into the Intermediate and graduate up to the Standard for most grown horses.
There is also a Draft Horse Size.

Here is Ricks horse (below) modeling his Noavel Headstall. The Noavel is an all around halter for leading daily, riding, shoeing, etc. No need for any other halter. All you need is a 15 foot cotton rope and a light clip as a lead line or clip on your reins to each side. 

All sizes are $150.00 plus shipping. Leather or Neoprene headstalls with lifetime guarantee.
DVD on Breaking and Handling $25.00 each

Contact the BWFA for purchase
For Questions, contact  Rick and his wife Shana Wheat working from their ranch in Batesville, Arkansas at (870) 307-5274 and follow their face book. 

To completely understand the uses, we suggest you purchase the DVD. You will be convinced that a light hand can do wonders. The horses…and owners… will learn to respect your knowledge and skills.