Thursday, April 14, 2016
Equine Nutritionist Clinic
Attention Farriers & Horse Owners
Beginners to Professionals
Free Admission - RSVP Required
8:00 a.m. - Breakfast Meet & Greet ($5 per person)
9:00 a.m.- Buck McColl Equine Nutrition Presentation
Equine Feeds – Understanding and Comparing Equine Feed Tags
Supplements – When should you use them and Why
Hydration – Electrolytes & water intake
Body Condition – Hooves, coat, teeth, gums, tails and attitude
Complete Diet – Grass, hay, fiber feeding, sugars and carbs
Tips for farriers when evaluating hooves
Understanding Lameness & Founder – How it occurs and Why
12:00 p.m. – Conclusion and lunch ($5 per person)
Horses and their owners will be here for evaluations.
About Buck McColl
Buck recently retired as the owner and nutritionist for Mobile Milling Service, Inc., a family owned and operated business since 1953. Buck provided years of dedication and service to the Bovine & Equine Industry with his knowledge, professionalism and personality. He has been a frequent speaker at the International Hoof Care Summit as well as:
- Frequent Lecturer Western Veterinarian Conference, American Farriers Convention, marketing Seminars and Horse Industry Conferences, Various Youth and Civic Groups
- Lameness Clinics across US and Canada
- BWFA Hall of Fame Member
- Inventor of the PBM Protector Pad
- Columnist and author
- Consultant to a variety of horse industries
- Accomplished farrier for 21 years
- Appearing on PBS TV series “Living with Animals”
To RSVP, call the FNRC at 706-397-8909 or email
Clinic held at the Farriers' National Research Center and School in partnership with the Brotherhood of Working Farriers Association, with the help of farriers & horse owners.