This is your reminder to Go directly to to read the latest news. …… and apply for your Members Only Password to get into the private section and update your current information with the office here.
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Visit our Facebook page at and send us a message on Facebook if you’d like to be added to our private “BWFA-Members Only” group to join in on the daily discussions (if your membership is current).
Farrier licensing is still the topic. Walt Talyor mailed us his third letter which is up for all to read. BWFA Members have responded. Daniela Schatz was born and raised in Austria and came to the U.S. about 2000, and gives her opinion about his points and contradictions. LC Bishop of Alabama, a farrier with a professional working background in other fields gives a very poignant view of the government involvement in a trade. Butch Thomas, long time member, is very passionate about what is happening in his state of Ohio and ask for your assistance.
These comments are only located in the Members Only Section.
We thank the members for their support in signing up for this new section. You will be the ones we call on first and receive notices first.
BWFA Renewal Dues: There is no doubt that farriers should belong to a group to prove their education and credentials to your customers and others.
If your renewal dues and information is not updated in our system… are no longer a member! Same goes for Lifetimers, if you are not current, you are lost. If you have new info, email and face book, let us know.
Retired and no longer shoeing members are important as well. Your opinions still count!!
Our Business Card Referral page on the website is a great way to get clients without the owners calling or emailing our office daily. So get those cards to us.